Unlocking contentious legacies: working with personal representatives, executors and trustees in difficult cases

Event details

Date: 8th June 2023
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Who should attend: All legacies officers

This event has already happened.

Lucinda Ellen from Bates Wells will host this two-hour webinar addressing how charities can work effectively with personal representatives, executors and trustees to unlock legacies in contentious or technically complex cases.

We will cover:

  • The relevant legal duties of a personal representative or executor when administering an estate;
  • The rights of beneficiaries;
  • The common situations that slow down the distribution of an estate;
  • Liability and claims that can be brought against a personal representative or executor (including devastavit claims);
  • Tools for facilitating the distribution of an estate in contentious cases, including the use of s.27 of the Trustees Act 1925;
  • Top tips for working effectively and efficiently with personal representatives or executors on difficult cases; and
  • Renunciation, removal and substitution.

This event is free to ILM members.