Government proposing rise in probate fees

November 8, 2018

Last year, the Ministry of Justice put forward a proposal to change the way in which probate fees are charged. The Institute of Legacy Management strongly objected on behalf of members to the proposal at the time – see more here. The proposal was then put on hold, but we were aware that it could be reactivated at any time.

Earlier this week, Justice Minister Lucy Frazer announced that the government was revising its previous proposals for reforming probate fees and would be pushing ahead with removing the existing flat rate of £215.

ILM is extremely concerned about this proposal which we believe could cost charities £10m a year in lost legacy income if it was to go ahead. We have made our views known to the press and you can read articles that pick up on our concerns in the following publications:

Third Sector

Civil Society

UK Fundraising 

Today’s Wills and Probate

We also had a letter published in The Times, and were quoted in articles in the Daily Mail and The Sunday Times.

We will of course continue to follow progress with the proposals and keep our members fully up-to-date with any changes.

By Institute of Legacy Management


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