Membership Terms & Conditions


ILM has three categories of membership: charity, independent consultant and honorary.  Under our Constitution, which came into effect when we incorporated on 14 December 2001, all ILM members have voting rights at general meetings.

a) Charity member:

You will qualify for charity membership if:

  • you are employed (or were employed during the year of application) in legacy management by a charitable organisation; and
  • you hold a current active membership with the ILM
  • you are employed by ILM

b) Independent member:

You will qualify for independent consultant membership if:

  • you are employed on a freelance basis by a charitable organisation with legacy management as part or all of your job
  • you meet the experience requirement for full membership but are not currently employed by a voluntary organisation.

As an independent consultant member, you may transfer to charity membership if you gain a position within a charitable organisations

c) Honorary member

Honorary membership constitutes full ongoing membership and is awarded by resolution of the board of directors.

Nature of membership

Membership of ILM is open only to individuals.  It is you and not the charity or other voluntary organisation for which you work who becomes the member on joining.  Membership and the benefits of membership are not transferable.  As a member you should therefore keep your website password safe and not disclose it to anybody else.  Please note that we are unable to accept training course bookings from members at discounted membership rates when the booking is being made on behalf of a non-member. 

Membership fees

If you work for a charity, membership of ILM currently costs £180 for the year.  Independent Consultant Membership for individuals who work as freelancers or other associated organisations is currently £205.  Membership lasts for one year.  Your membership commences on the date on which we receive your first year’s membership fee and becomes due for renewal on the anniversary of that date each year.  Renewal reminders will be sent one month in advance of the anniversary.  Membership is deemed to have lapsed should fees still be outstanding more than two months after the renewal date.

We have reviewed our membership fee and members will see a small incremental growth in 2024 in line with inflation and increased costs.

ILM aims to give a minimum of one month’s notice of any change in the membership fee by publishing it in on our website.

Third-party payment

If your membership fee is to be paid by the charity or other voluntary organisation for which you work, please ask it to confirm this to us in writing and we will send it an invoice.  Once the fees have been paid, your membership will last for the full year.  Your membership and the benefits associated with it will remain personal to you and cannot be transferred to anybody else during the course of the membership year. 

Use of personal information 

ILM will treat the information you provide to us in connection with your membership as confidential and will not share it with anyone else except as follows:

  1. A Directory of Members which includes members’ names, the organisations for which they work and their work telephone numbers, is available to all members in the password-protected area of our website.  This Directory is made available on the understanding that it will not be passed to any third party for any reason, nor used for commercial or marketing activity.  The Directory must only be used for contacting fellow members about cases of mutual interest.  When you first join ILM, and every time you renew your membership subsequently, you will be asked to indicate on the form whether or not you are happy for your details to appear in this Directory.
  1. ILM reserves the right to make available to its Corporate Partners a list of members’ names and the organisations for which they work.  This will only happen where a Corporate Partner is offering benefits to ILM members and needs to be able to verify that a particular charity contact is a member.  Individual contact details will not be included in the list.

It is your responsibility, should you change employer or address, to notify us so that we may keep our records updated and make sure you continue to receive the benefits of membership.

Members’ Liability and Guarantee

ILM is a company limited by guarantee and ILM members are company members for the purposes of company law. Your attention is drawn to paragraphs 6 and 7 of ILM’s Memorandum and Articles of Association (available in the Member’s only area of our website) which provides:

The liability of members is limited

Every member promises, if the Company is dissolved while he, she or it remains a member or within 12 months afterwards, to pay up to £1 towards the cost of dissolution and the liabilities incurred by the Company while the contributor was a member.