
The Diploma in Charity Legacy Management is a structured training programme for legacy professionals.

ILM’s Diploma in Charity Legacy Management has been developed by ILM in partnership with the University of Law. The course covers the principal areas of charity legacy management that practitioners are likely to encounter on a daily basis, providing progressive development of technical expertise and skills, reinforcing experience gained in the workplace.

This advanced course is the ideal next step for anyone managing legacies who has already completed the CiCLA qualification, or has qualifying experience such as two years working in a legacy team. Completing the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management will help you develop your leadership and management skills, with a focus on finance and compliance, whilst also giving the opportunity to pick from a range of elective modules, including communication, research and marketing skills. The Diploma is intended to form a bridge between your experience and knowledge of charity legacy administration and obtaining a qualification which can demonstrate an ability to be appointed to higher management roles, including directorships and positions requiring senior management of multiple teams.

The course is primarily distance-learning so it can be undertaken at your own pace, when and where you like. The course consists of the following:
• 3 core modules which are compulsory; plus:
• 4 elective modules which the candidate can choose from a selection of 9 options

Key dates for 2024 and 2025 (assessments and revision sessions) can be found by clicking here

Guide for new students

Why study the diploma?

The Diploma in Charity Legacy Management gives legacy professionals a real advantage in their career and helps organisations to improve their effectiveness in managing their legacy income.

The diploma will be awarded to students who have demonstrated:

  • a systemic understanding of key aspects of their field of study, including the acquisition of coherent and detailed knowledge, and an ability to deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the relevant discipline
  • conceptual understanding that enables the student to devise and sustain arguments, and to describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research
  • an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge
  • the ability to manage their own learning, and to make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources

Holders of the qualification will be able to:

  • apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and
    to initiate and carry out projects
  • critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate
    questions to achieve a solution, or identify a range of solutions, to a problem
  • communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

The Core Modules

• Charities and Legal Compliance 
• Financial Management and Accounting 
• Management and Leadership

Elective Modules

• Trust Law
• Advanced Tax
• Marketing & Fundraising
• Advanced Communication Skills
• Creative Problem Solving and Emotional Intelligence
• Effective Written Communication
• Knowledge Management – Improving Research Skills
• Presenting to Persuade
• The Skilled Negotiator

Course Registration

Click here to book your place on the course. The cost is £1,150, payable in advance. There is no further fee for assessment. VAT is not applicable.

Please note, you must be an ILM member to enroll.

You can also click here to register for your next assessment and for our revision sessions.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must be a member of the Institute of Legacy Management.
Applicants should possess qualifications such as CICLA, or qualifying experience such as two years working in a legacy team.
Applicants whose first language is not English are required to demonstrate an English language level equivalent to IELTS 6.5 or above, with a minimum of 5.5 in each component.

Assessment and Accreditation

Assessment will be by open book written assessments. It is envisaged that there will be two assessment periods per year (February and October). The course will be accredited by the University of Law.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the diploma, please email membership@legacymanagement.org.uk


Having completed the Diploma in June 23 I feel a real sense of achievement and I am so grateful to ILM and the University of Law for putting this together and giving me the opportunity for further development. The modules were diverse and thought provoking and have taught me so much.

Chris Blake

Legacy Management Officer, NSPCC

Undertaking additional qualifications is always a challenge when working full time however the knowledge that you gain whilst studying for the ILM Charity Legacy Management Diploma is well worth it. I have learnt so much about charity law and negotiation to name just a couple of the modules, and am absolutely thrilled to have passed with distinction. The various subjects covered all contain materials and skills that I can use in my everyday activities at work. I would definitely recommend it to any who wish to further their knowledge and want to deliver a better service to supporters and colleagues in their organisation.

Jill Bowler

Head of Individual Giving & Trusts, Douglas Macmillan Hospice

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the course take?

12 – 36 months. This depends on you! You can study at your own pace. The course can be completed in 12 months at a minimum, but because it is based on distance learning, you can work at a speed which fits in with your other commitments. The course must be completed within three years of the start date.

When can I start the course?

Whenever you like. You may enrol on the course at any time – whenever suits you best. We ask that you complete your CiCLA qualification first, or get in touch if you need to discuss your experience and suitability for the course.

What qualification do I need to enrol?

You need to be a member of the Institute of Legacy Management, and ideally a successful CiCLA student. If you do not feel you need to do the CiCLA programme first, please get in touch with us to discuss.

How many modules do I need to do?

The course requires that you complete a total of 7 modules. These are made up of three core (compulsory) modules and 4 elective modules (which you will choose from a total of 9 possible elective modules). You may only take a maximum of 4 modules at any one assessment period, and we advise that you consider carefully how many modules you have the capacity to complete successfully on one go.

When do I have to undertake the assessments?

This is entirely up to you. There are three assessment periods a year (usually in February, June and October) and Diploma students will be notified of these ahead of time and asked whether they would like to sit an assessment. Each open book assessment period stays open for 3 weeks, and you must return your completed paper to us by the deadline. If you register but later decide not to proceed, it is absolutely fine for you to withdraw from an assessment period.

What backup and support will I get?

Once you have enrolled on the course, you can choose to take advantage of a mentor, who will be an experienced ILM Corporate Partner.

Your mentor will be available for the duration of the course and will be able to discuss any issues you may be having, further explain problem areas and generally provide moral support.

 The team at the ILM are also on hand to give you help and advice whenever you need us, and we will provide revision support for each of your three core modules.

 The University of Law will also offer some study support sessions and guidance close to each assessment point.

What happens if I fail a module?

We will always offer as much flexibility and support as possible to any student who does not successfully pass a module. There will be no record on your final overall achievement score, and you can continue (whenever you are ready) and retake the module assessment at another time. This does not have to be at the next assessment period, you are free to choose whenever it best suits you.

Is there a student network so I can contact other students?

Yes. Diploma students can keep in touch with each other and provide valuable mutual support via the dedicated web Forum on the ILM website. We would encourage students to subscribe to these notifications and to contact each other and discuss topical issues. 

Will I need to buy any text books?

No. The course is designed to be fully self-contained and you will receive a course handbook and sample papers for each module you elect to take. Should you wish to do further reading, your mentor or revision tutor will be able to suggest books and articles which may be of interest.  

Can I see any previous assessment papers?

Yes, we will share a sample paper with you once you are registered for a particular module and assessment period. The three core modules will also offer a revision class where the tutor will go through the sample paper with you as a group

How much time will I need to spend studying to be successful?

The Diploma is entirely flexible and designed so that you can work in your own time, at your own pace. You may choose to complete the qualification in one year, two, or three years. Therefore, we can not give accurate guidance on time. However, we would always suggest you give yourself several weeks to prepare for an assessment period and that you seek support from a mentor, and attend revision classes where relevant.

Will I need to attend tuition sessions?

There is no mandatory attendance required to attend any sessions as part of the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management. We do run optional revision classes for the three core modules, and will try to find you support with a specific module if you request it. University of Law will also provide study support classes, optionally.

How much does the course cost?

The course is £1,150 (VAT is not applicable). This is payable in advance by credit card, bank transfer or by cheque. Details of who to pay can be found at the bottom of the CiCLA invoice.

You haven’t answered all my questions!

You can email us at membership@legacymanagement.org.uk and we will be happy to help.