Legacy qualifications
Find out more about ILM’s Certificate in Legacy Administration and the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management
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ILM’s Certificate in Legacy Administration (CiCLA) and the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management have both been developed by ILM in partnership with the University of Law. This page will tell you more about each of the qualifications.
Certificate in Charity Legacy Administration (CiCLA)
CiCLA is the only nationally accredited legacy qualification in the UK. The course gives legacy professionals a real advantage in their career and helps organisations to improve their effectiveness in managing their legacy income.
The course is distance-learning so it can be undertaken at your own pace, when and where you like. Course materials consist of a pack of written materials divided into six units. Each unit includes a set of self-assessment exercises to help you set the work in a practical context. Assessments are held at regular intervals (three times a year) and will assess at three levels.
Diploma in Charity Legacy Management
The diploma covers the principal areas of charity legacy management that practitioners are likely to encounter on a daily basis, providing progressive development of technical expertise and skills, reinforcing experience gained in the workplace.
This advanced course is the ideal next step for anyone managing legacies who has already completed the CiCLA qualification, or has qualifying experience such as two years working in a legacy team. Completing the Diploma in Charity Legacy Management will help you develop your leadership and management skills, with a focus on finance and compliance, whilst also giving the opportunity to pick from a range of elective modules, including communication, research and marketing skills. The Diploma is intended to form a bridge between your experience and knowledge of charity legacy administration and obtaining a qualification which can demonstrate an ability to be appointed to higher management roles, including directorships and positions requiring senior management of multiple teams.
What will I learn?
Studying CiCLA offers you professional recognition in a flexible format. Candidates receive a comprehensive pack of written materials and self-assessment tools to help evaluate learning as you progress. The CiCLA qualification is an approved standard of achievement recognised by employers and increases your career progression opportunities.
Modules covered are:
- First Steps after Death
- Establishing Entitlement
- The Grant
- Powers and Duties of Personal Representatives
- Estate Accounts
- Particular Problems for Legacy Officers
The course materials also include:
- An appendix containing specimen letters and paragraphs to illustrate best practice and notes regarding entitlement under Scots Law
- A glossary of terms
The course is primarily distance-learning so it can be undertaken at your own pace, when and where you like. The course consists of the following:
Three core modules
- Charities and Legal Compliance
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Management and Leadership
Four elective modules which the candidate can choose from the following:
- Trust Law
- Advanced Tax
- Marketing & Fundraising
- Advanced Communication Skills
- Creative Problem Solving and Emotional Intelligence
- Effective Written Communication
- Knowledge Management – Improving Research Skills
- Presenting to Persuade
- The Skilled Negotiator
To find out more about CICLA and to enrol, click here
To find out more about the diploma and to enrol, click here